
Gegarandeerd resultaat

Native-speakers docenten

Geïndividualiseerde studieplan

Doorlopende assessments

I really enjoyed my Business English course.
The classes were a good mix of writing, grammar, reading and speaking.

Cropped image of university students writing at desk in classroom
Marlies Zakelijk Engels
I really appreciated my English classes. The trainer is a passionate and experienced teacher and his lessons were useful and motivating. Besides working on our English grammar and vocabulary we also had a lot of fun.
Robbert Algemeen Engels

I applied for the 2-weeks summer course at Masterclass Rotterdam at C1 level.
Great course, great teacher and nice people. If you’re looking for a language institute, this is the place to go.

Female teacher addressing university students in a classroom
Jeroen Zomercursus

I couldn't have passed my CPE exam without the great lessons at Masterclass English in Rotterdam! If you find yourself struggling with any kind of English test, you should definitely contact this school

Anne CPE

I brought my level to C1 with this school and am very satisfied. For Cambridge exams, this is the place you should study

Selwa C1 Cambridge

I give the course and Masterclass five stars.
The location is easy to reach by car, bike or public transport. The teacher is native English and she is very helpful.

Sonja Algemeen Engels

Prima opleidingsinstituut als je perfect Engels wilt leren spreken. De klassikale lessen sluiten qua structuur perfect aan op het Cambridge examen en de individuele lessen zijn volledig toegespitst op je sterktes en zwaktes. Absoluut een aanrader!

Jannet Groepscursussen

The Masterclass Business English Course is a great way to improve your English and to develop your working skills. The focus on business related subjects makes it really useful in your working life. The groups were small, so everybody had to speak a lot.

Mark Zakelijk Engels

My intensive course was great I have really liked the program , they gave me the ability to talk in public , I feel more confident now . The topics was about our daily life and it wasn’t boring . I m satisfied

Female teacher addressing university students in a classroom
Simone Intensief Engels

Friendly environment, easy to reach, amazing teacher

Arezoo Algemeen Engels

I would like to give you 5 stars for the Intensive English Summer course because I learnt a lot of new things, the teacher was very professional and kind. I also think that it was very useful to speak with the other people in the class

Jorge Zomercursus

Voorbereid op alledaagse situaties

Uw profiel
Deze cursus is voor u bedoeld als u nooit eerder een cursus Engels hebt gevolgd en de Engelse taal moet leren voor uw werk.

U wordt tijdens de cursus voorbereid op alledaagse situaties die u tijdens uw werk kunt tegenkomen. De inhoud is geschikt voor beginnelingen en wordt gegeven op beginnersniveau (A1 of 'niveau 1').

Deze training kan volledig worden aangepast aan uw sector. Het gebruikte materiaal wordt afgestemd op uw functievereisten en de taal binnen uw bedrijf.

U beschikt na voltooiing over de volgende algemene taalvaardigheden:

  • Luisteren/spreken - u kunt eenvoudige alledaagse boodschappen begrijpen en doorgeven, zoals 'Maandag vergadering om 10 uur 's ochtends.
  • Lezen - u kunt korte berichten, e-mails, rapporten en productomschrijvingen begrijpen als deze in eenvoudig taalgebruik zijn opgesteld en de teksten voorspelbaar zijn.
  • Schrijven - u kunt een eenvoudige mail opstellen voor uw collega, zoals 'Ik zou graag het rapport willen inzien.

Deze cursus is beschikbaar vanaf minimaal 40 contacturen en kan intensief worden gevolgd of verspreid over een periode van maximaal 20 weken. De lessen duren gewoonlijk twee uur, maar kunnen langer duren of vaker worden gegeven. Dit is afhankelijk van uw voorkeuren en uw doelen.

Beschikbaar voor individuen of groepen, op onze locatie of in uw bedrijf.

Neem contact met ons op Niveautest

Hier doen we het voor

Referenties waar we trots op mogen zijn

At the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences we cope with a lot of subjects related to business programs on an international scope. Teaching students both soft skills and program based theory could be a challenging job when you are dealing with more and more businesses going international. Moreover, lecturers have to keep up with their students both at a national as well as an international level. Consequently, it is expected from the lecturers to obtain the required level of communication while using a different language, in this case English. Furthermore, administrative personnel must have a sufficient amount of knowledge of the English language since many international students from all over the world study at our University Of Applied Sciences.

Masterclass English is a professional organization with excellent and well-trained teachers. As a language academy, Masterclass English provided us advice and guidance right from the start and showed the required amount of flexibility to make sure all participants could finalize their courses with a Cambridge Course Certificate. We managed to obtain 4 B2 Certificates, 6 C1 Certificates and 10 C2 Certificates.

I would like to thank Frank Hawken, Director of Masterclass English, for his professionalism and knowledge about education towards business studies.

Incompany Training Hogeschool Rotterdam Teacher


Masterclass Academy of Languages BV 

Telefoon: 0107532037

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Botersloot 9C (3e verdieping)
Rotterdam 3011HE

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