English for ICT

ICT has always been an international industry. As a professional working in ICT, it has never been more important for you to be able to communicate what you know effectively in English. Your services in both soft- and hardware, databases, web-resources, networks and enterprise systems will mean your expertise will have to be reflected in the way you communicate to a customer or team member. Masterclass English knows the language of your sector, and one of our language trainings will enable you to access the language of those in the office and on the phone, or even when you are sitting around the table. We will increase your confidence and your ability to speak so you can get your message across without looking for words, without stress—only pure professionalism and sustainable success!

Be Prepared for Performance
The transfer of knowledge associated with this sector has undeniably become synonymous with English. It is the most dominant language on the internet. If you want to develop in your career there will be a time that you will have to address your English language skills so you are prepared for performance. Start the preparations now and follow one of our practical trainings that incorporate the language you need to know. You will soon see the difference in your ability to speak and write flawless English while being able to concentrate fully on the quality of your work.

Contact us today


Masterclass Academy of Languages BV 

Contact us:
Telephone: 0107532037
Email: info@masterclassenglish.com

Or visit us: 
Botersloot 9C (3rd floor)
Rotterdam 3011HE

Opening hours:
Monday to Thursday from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm
Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
