English for Manufacturing and Production

Manufacturing is a human, as well as a mechanical, process that requires the sourcing of materials and the selling of these products to the end user. If you are a manager or professional working in the manufacturing industry, you know that you have to speak English with international suppliers and clients either because you do not speak their language, or English is the only language they speak.

For confirming orders, managing your team, dealing with queries, discussing processes with your colleagues, resolving disputes abroad, enabling more flexibility in your workforce—your English language skills will have to be geared in to using the correct and appropriate language so your staff members are capable of managing their work effectively to prevent unnecessary time-wasting and to ensure the maximum yearly production possible for your company.

De Randstad - A Hub of Manufacturers
Our work as a language school is diverse, simply because our clients have diverse backgrounds and business activities. We have long been a key supplier of language trainings to manufacturing companies in the region, all of them situated in close proximity to the Randstad because of the international network that lies at its door, a gateway to countries as far afield as Japan, Canada, Brazil, Mexico and the far reaches of Russia. Yearly, we are proud to welcome the return of clients who have seen that our language trainings provide them with the best language courses available. Given our expertise in language training and experience with their sector, we are the most suitable option to train their staff and to ensure that they are ideally equipped to be able to meet the demands of a highly competitive global market and supply chain.

Contact us today


Masterclass Academy of Languages BV 

Contact us:
Telephone: 0107532037
Email: info@masterclassenglish.com

Or visit us: 
Botersloot 9C (3rd floor)
Rotterdam 3011HE

Opening hours:
Monday to Thursday from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm
Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
